Brief Introduction to Magnetic Chuck – Mag Chuck Manufacturer

Brief Introduction to Magnetic Chuck – Workholding Magnet Manufacturer | HVR MAG

workholding magnetic chuck - HVR MAG
workholding magnetic chuck – HVR MAG

Magnetic chuck, has lots of alias names or synonyms, like magnet chuck, mag chuck, magnetic tables, magnetic beds. It uses the magnetic force from a magnetic material to achieve chucking or holding action.

What Is Magnetic Chuck?

A magnetic chuck is a device that uses magnetic force to hold a ferrous metal item during machining. It also refers to magnets used to secure a work part by magnetic forces.

How Does A Magnetic Chuck Work?

It uses magnetic force to hold a workpiece in place while it is being worked on. The magnets work by inducing polarity into the ferrous work material that connects across its north and south poles. When the part to be held is placed across the poles of the magnet, the flux flows into it. The ferrous components have poles that are opposite the polarity of the magnet so they attract each other. Amplifying and controlling this flux is the key to applying magnets in a metalworking operation.

Types of Magnetic Chucks

Basically, there are three types of magnetic chucks, in terms of magnet characteristics:

  • Permanent magnetic chuck – with permanent poles and constantly pull on the part.
  • Electromagnetic chuck – which is engaged only while the electrical current is on. This workholding chuck has the advantage of being able to turn the magnetic pull off, releasing the metal part quickly and easily. The disadvantage of this chuck is that it releases the part when the electrical current is stopped, often putting the worker at risk of injury if it happens during a work process.
  • Electro-permanent magnetic chuck – a hybrid of the permanent and electromagnetic type. This device locks the part with a jolt of electricity and then uses another jolt of electricity to unlock it. If there is a power outage while working a part, the chuck continues to hold tightly. Each magnet has an electrical coil around it that can reverse the polarity of the magnet extremely quickly. Another function of the coil is to control the amount of magnetic pull the magnetic chuck exerts.

workholding magnetic chuck - HVR MAG

In terms of shape:

  • Circular(round) magnetic chuck
  • Rectangular magnetic chuck

In terms of applications:

  • Magnetic Lathe Chuck
  • Magnetic chuck for milling
  • Magnetic chuck for grinding

Why Magnetic Chucks Are Used?

As magnetic chucks hold only ferrous metals, they’re primarily designed for holding ferro-metallic work pieces. The advantages of using a mag chuck usually include reduction of machine setup time, reduction of setup processes, reduction in chuck damage to metal part, and increase of access to all sides of the piece. They’ve been a valuable tool for workholding in surface grinding, milling and other CNC machining applications.

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