Neodymium Magnet – Frequently Asked Questions About It

Neodymium Magnet – Frequently Asked Questions About It

Unlike average refrigerator magnets, neodymium magnets are the strongest permanent magnets available and, even if you’ve never heard of them before, you probably use them every day. Here, let’s learn more about neodymium magnet.

What Is Neodymium Magnet - HVR MAG

What Is A Neodymium Magnet?

Also known or described as NdFeB, NIB, Neo magnet, a neodymium magnet is the most widely used type of rare-earth magnet. It is a permanent magnet made from an alloy of neodymium, iron.

The term rare-earth does not mean they are scarce, neodymium is abundant in the Earth’s crust – in fact it is more common than some precious metals such as gold – the term derives from their geochemical properties, rare-earth elements are typically dispersed and not often found concentrated in economically exploitable deposits.

What Are Neodymium Magnets Made Of?

Neodymium magnets are made primarily from an alloy of neodymium, iron, and boron. The exact composition can vary depending on the strength needed and what that magnet is being used for.

Neodymium Magnets are produced using two manufacturing methods:

  • Classical powder metallurgy or sinteredmagnet process – produces a stronger and robust rare earth magnet, but is more expensive to manufacture; made by heating the alloy components in a furnace, then this mixture is cast into molds and cooled to form ingots which are ground into a fine powder and pressed into molds.
  • Rapid solidification or bondedmagnet process – combines neodymium alloy powder with a polymer binder. The components are pressed or extruded to make more complex shapes and magnetization powders than that are typically available in sintered magnets.

How Strong Is A Neodymium Magnet?

Neodymium magnets are the strongest permanent magnets commercially available, anywhere in the world. They provide unparalleled levels of magnetism and resistance to demagnetisation when compared to ferrite, alnico and even samarium-cobalt magnets.

A 2-gram (0.07 ounce) neodymium magnet that measures 8 millimeters (0.315 inches) in diameter and 5 millimeters (0.197 inches) long generates a force of over 1700 grams (3.75 pounds).

magnetization phase for electro permanent magnet - HVR MAG

What Are Neodymium Magnets Used For?

Neodymium magnets are used in numerous applications requiring strong, compact permanent magnets, such as electric motors for cordless tools, hard disk drives, industrial magnet materials for lifting.

A unique use of neodymium magnets are that they can be used as materials together with alnico magnets, to form a new type of magnets, electro permanent magnet. Learn what is EPM and its various applications in industry, welcome to visit permanent electromagnet manufacturer’s website.

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