Steel Plate Lifting Magnets: Comparison and Recommendation

Steel Plate Lifting Magnets: Comparison and Recommendation

The lifting of steel plates can be a challenging and dangerous task, especially when dealing with heavy and bulky plates. Lifting magnets are an ideal solution for this task. There are three types of magnet available in the market, namely permanent lifting magnet, electromagnetic lifter, and electro permanent lifting magnet. In this article, we will compare and recommend the most suitable type of lifting magnet for handling steel plates.

Permanent Lifting Magnets

As the name suggests, they use permanent magnets to lift steel plates. These magnets are highly reliable and require no external power source to operate. They are also the simplest form, and their maintenance is relatively easy. However, they are not suitable for lifting thin and small steel plates.

Electromagnetic Lifter

In an electromagnetic lifter, a coil of wire is wrapped around a magnetic core. The coil is powered by an external power source, and when the power is switched on, the magnetic core becomes highly magnetized, allowing it to lift steel plates. Electromagnetic lifters are highly efficient and can lift a wide range of steel plates. However, they require a power source to operate, and their maintenance is more complicated.

Electro Permanent Lifting Magnetselectro permanent lifting magnets

This kind of magnets is a combination of both magnets mentioned above. These magnets provide the best of both worlds by offering the reliability of permanent magnets and the efficiency of electromagnets. They are also highly precise and can lift thin and small steel plates. In addtion, these magnets are easy to maintain. However, these magnets can be more expensive.


When comparing steel plate lifting magnets, it is essential to consider their lifting capacity, reliability, ease of maintenance, and cost. Permanent lifting magnets are the most reliable and easiest to maintain. Electromagnetic lifters offer high efficiency but require a power source to operate, and their maintenance is more complicated. Electro permanent lifting magnets provide the best of both worlds.

Considering all the factors, we recommend using electro permanent lifting magnets for handling steel plates. These magnets provide high reliability, efficiency, and precision, making them ideal for a wide range of lifting applications. Although they are relatively expensive, their benefits far outweigh the costs.

For more information, please contact HVR MAG at

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