Plate Handling Equipment – Electro-permanent Magnetic Beam

Plate Handling Equipment – Electro-permanent Magnetic Beam

What is needed when handling heavy plates in rough conditions? When using electro-permanent magnetic beam to transport the steel plates,safety and high-efficiency should be given top priority. This customer had heard about us and decided to purchase our products. Read on if you are interested in it.

electro-permanent magnetic beam

First ,the systems are incredibly effective and reliable for transportation. For example,It does not require a continuous supply of electrical energy to maintain its magnetic field. It’s crucial for uninterrupted applications.Also Adjustable magnetic force provides flexible lifting solutions for handling steel plates of various specifications.It provides the best delicate lifting. Lifting and moving loads without damaging them is an important part of the job.

Second,electro-permanent magnetic beam can be remotely controlled or even controlled by automatic systems. It ensures the safety of your workplace. Automated system can save your time and improve equipment productivity. Considering that each steel plate handling system is unusual and customized, it is significant to work with professionals from concept to completion. Cooperating directly with professionals allows you to identify and solve problems before production, saving time, money, and stress.Regardless of the type of application you have HVR can work with you to determine the best solution for your special needs.

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