Magnetic grippers|The noted tips for the maintenance of truss manipulator?

What matters needs to be noted for the maintenance of truss manipulators?

In industrial production, more and more manufacturing companies are using truss manipulators. The cost of a customized non-standard truss manipulator is not low, so how can we do/what we can do to make the truss manipulator last longer and save the production cost for the enterprise in the usual production? To maximize the service life of the truss manipulator, it is also necessary for customers to maintain the maintenance of the truss manipulator in place during use. HVR magnetic grippers will share some tips for you to keep the truss manipulator.

Try not to use the truss manipulator to work 24 hours a day

One of the advantages of the truss manipulator lies in its uninterrupted operation. Nevertheless, it is still recommended that you do not do so. Because any mechanical equipment will generate a lot of heat in the process of operation, after the truss manipulator works for some time, it is necessary to suspend the operation to release the heat generated by the truss manipulator to achieve the purpose of recuperation truss manipulator. If the production task is heavy, taking a break at regular intervals is recommended, generally every 8 hours or 12 hours, to suspend the rest of the truss manipulator.

Regular use of lubricant

The truss manipulator will have more significant wear and tear with frequent use. Add lubricant regularly where lubrication is needed to reduce the machine’s wear and tear and extend the equipment’s service life.

Try not to let the truss manipulator in the harsh operating environment

In most cases, the robot replaces manpower and operates under extreme conditions. Most truss manipulators are factory-made to prevent corrosion and rust. However, if they are exposed to wet conditions for an extended period, truss manipulators made of iron will be very susceptible to rusting. Therefore, it is best to use the truss manipulator in a dry environment, and, at regular intervals, the truss manipulator is protected against corrosion.

The above is the summary of the daily maintenance precautions for the truss manipulator, hope it will help you maintain the truss manipulator.

magnetic grippers on gantry robot

Which tools will help your truss manipulator?  –Magnetic grippers

HVR has developed magnetic grippers or robot end effector for picking up or holding items such as steel parts, blanks, and perforated steel sheets in robotic applications. That electro-permanent magnetic system is already in use by several manufacturers. If you are interested in magnetic grippers on the gantry robot, please contact us.



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