Lifting Magnets for Structural Steel

Lifting Magnets for Structural Steel

Lifting magnets attract ferrous materials and this helps us to improve the efficiency of steel handling. For different shapes of steel, how do you choose the right lifting magnet? Hope this blog is helpful.

Lifting magnets for structural steel

Structural steel includes angles, beams and channels. Many structural steel shapes take the form of an elongated beam having a profile of a specific cross-section. Therefore, if you need to use lifting magnets to handle this type of steel, it will be better to look for a long and narrow version that will ensure sufficient contact area between the magnet and the steel. The HS series from HVR MAG is designed for long and narrow sections:H-beams, angles, bulb plate etc. This series of products allows not only universal structural steel lifting but also steel turning.

structural steel

For round shaped steels

The HT series can be used to lift individual, row or bundles of round steel. They are usually customized and we can ensure that they do not damage the coating or paint on the steel surface. We also have HC series for steel coil handling. If you need to customize these lifting magnets, our technical team can provide professional solutions.

All our lifting magnets use electric permanent magnets. EPM are safer than electromagnets. When magnetization button on the controller is pressed, current changes the direction of magnetic field of the internal magnetic material, creating a magnetic force. The magnetic force of EPM does not need to be maintained by electricity, so there is no risk of a sudden power failure when handling the steel. When steel is brought to the target position and the demagnetization button is pressed, current will reverse the direction of the internal magnetic field. Therefore, the EPM requires electricity only for the few seconds it takes to magnetize and demagnetize. No electricity is wasted and there is no heating due to prolonged use.

For more information, please contact us

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