Jinggong Grapple Excavator Travels Across Oceans!-Hydraulic Scrap Magnet

Keywords: mini excavator auger, types of excavator buckets, excavator drill attachment

mini excavator auger

types of excavator buckets

excavator drill attachment

Timber grabber is one of the working devices of excavators. Timber grabber is one of the excavator working device accessories designed, developed and manufactured independently for the specific work requirements of excavators.

mini excavator auger
types of excavator buckets

Log grabbers are divided into: mechanical log grabber and rotary log grabber; mechanical log grabber can be used without modifying the excavator pipeline and hydraulic system (low-cost type); rotary log grabber needs to be modified excavator pipeline and hydraulic pressure The system meets the needs of 360-degree rotation (convenient, practical, high-cost type).

types of excavator buckets
excavator drill attachment

The wood grabbing machine is suitable for the handling and handling of scrap metal, stones, scrap steel, sugar cane, cotton, and wood.

types of excavator buckets
excavator drill attachment

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