Hydraulic Magnet – Definition & Industrial Applications

Keywords: hydraulic magnet, gantry crane definition, hydraulic magnet for excavator

gantry crane definition

gantry crane definition

Let’s set the relationship straight between gantry system, gantry crane, and gantry robot, and learn about their industrial applications.

gantry crane definition
what is a gantry

What Is A Gantry System?

Gantry system refers to a motion-centric system designed for multi-axis operation with an overhead bridge. It includes gantry robot and gantry crane.

As a general definition, gantries are simply a frame with moving components that support and move a load. The structure can vary. Sometimes the entire frame can move along rails. In other designs, the rails are attached to the frame and a device moves along them, and in some cases, it’s a combination of both.

What Is Meant By Gantry Crane?

Gantry crane is a crane built atop a gantry, which is a structure used to straddle an object or workspace. They can range from enormous “full” gantry cranes, capable of lifting some of the heaviest loads in the world, to small shop cranes, used for tasks such as lifting automobile engines out of vehicles. They are also called portal cranes, the “portal” being the empty space straddled by the gantry.

what is a gantry

What Is A Gantry Robot?

Gantry Robot(robot on gantry) is an automated industrial system that can also be referred to as a Cartesian Robot or Linear Robot. It moves typically in linear paths creating a three dimensional cubic envelope of space it can work within. has a standardized configuration process. These systems can vary and have many combinations of the axes: X, Y, and Z.

In robotics, gantry robots or linear robots, leverage a manipulator to create movement along a horizontal plane. Gantries can provide full x-y-z along a Cartesian plane, moving objects at high speeds and even picking them and placing them. They are usually large systems that perform pick and place applications, but they can also be used in welding and other applications.

Gantry Robot System

A gantry robot system consists of a manipulator mounted onto an overhead system that allows movement across a horizontal plane. It provides the advantage of large work areas and better positioning accuracy. Position accuracy is the ability of the robot to place a part correctly. Gantry robots are easier to program, with respect to motion, because they work with an X, Y, Z coordinate system. Another advantage is that they are less limited by floor space constraints.

hydraulic magnet for excavator
what is a gantry

Gantry Robot Systems Used In Industry:

Gantry Robot Systems are used mostly in pick and place applications but have been implemented in a variety of tasks including:

  • Packaging
  • Pallitizing & Depallitizing
  • Machine loading/unloading
  • Material Handling
  • Machine Tending
  • Sortation & Storage
  • In process
  • End of Line

Learn more about gantry robot system with magnetic grippers in automation, welcome to visit our detailed page.

hydraulic magnet for excavator

hydraulic magnet

hydraulic magnet for excavator

A hydraulic magnet for an excavator is a specialized attachment that combines the lifting capabilities of a magnet with the hydraulic power of the excavator. It is designed to handle ferrous materials, such as steel plates, pipes, or scrap metal, in material handling applications.

The hydraulic magnet attachment is typically mounted on the arm or boom of the excavator and utilizes the hydraulic system to control its functions. It features a powerful magnet that can be activated and deactivated as needed, allowing the operator to pick up and release ferrous objects with ease. The hydraulic power provides the necessary force to secure the materials to the magnet and lift them.

Hydraulic magnets for excavators are commonly used in industries such as construction, recycling, waste management, and metal fabrication. They offer efficient and convenient handling of ferrous materials, improving productivity and reducing manual labor. The operator can easily switch between the magnet mode and normal excavator operations, making it a versatile attachment for various job sites.

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