EPM Pipe Lifting Magnet

EPM magnet

epm magnet

Efficient and safe handling of pipes is essential across various industries, including construction, manufacturing, and infrastructure development. Electro-permanent magnet (EPM) pipe lifters have emerged as a revolutionary solution for lifting and moving pipes with ease. In this blog, we will introduce EPM pipe lifting magnet, highlighting their features, advantages, and the impact they have on improving pipe handling operations.

Understanding Electro-Permanent Magnet Pipe Lifters: EPM pipe lifting magnet are specialized lifting devices designed specifically for handling pipes. They utilize the unique properties of electro-permanent magnets, combining the advantages of both permanent and electro magnets. These pipe lifters are engineered to securely grip and lift pipes of various diameters and lengths, providing a reliable and efficient solution for pipe handling tasks.

Key features and advantages of pipe lifting magnet:

Quick and Easy Operation

EPM pipe lifting magnet are designed for quick and easy operation. With the use of a control panel or remote control, operators can activate or deactivate the magnets effortlessly. This feature allows for efficient pipe handling, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.

Adjustable Magnetic Poles

EPM pipe lifters offer the advantage of adjustable magnetic poles. This feature allows for precise positioning and alignment of the magnet with the pipe, ensuring optimal contact and grip. The ability to adjust the magnetic poles enhances the lifting performance, enabling operators to handle pipes of various sizes and shapes with ease and accuracy.

Superior Holding Power

EPM pipe lifters provide exceptional holding power, ensuring secure grip and minimizing the risk of slippage or movement during transport. The combination of electro-permanent magnet technology and optimized magnetic circuits enables these lifters to handle pipes of different weights and surface conditions with confidence and reliability.

epm magnet
HVR MAG lifting Magnet for Cast Iron Pipes

Energy Efficiency

One of the significant advantages of EPM pipe lifters is their energy efficiency. These lifters require electrical power only during the activation and deactivation phases. Once engaged, they maintain their magnetic strength without consuming any additional energy. This energy-saving characteristic not only reduces operating costs but also contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to pipe handling.

Enhanced Safety Measures

Safety is paramount in pipe handling operations, and EPM pipe lifters prioritize operator safety. These lifters incorporate safety features such as fail-safe mechanisms that ensure the load remains securely held even in the event of a power failure. This feature minimizes the risk of accidents and injuries, providing peace of mind during lifting operations.

Versatility and Applications

EPM pipe lifting magnet are versatile tools suitable for various pipe handling applications. They can handle a wide range of pipe materials, including steel, concrete, and plastic. Whether it’s lifting pipes for installation, transportation, or storage purposes, EPM pipe lifters offer a reliable and efficient solution.


Electro-permanent magnet pipe lifters have revolutionized the handling of pipes, offering improved efficiency, safety, and versatility. With their quick and easy operation, superior holding power, adjustable magnetic poles, energy efficiency, and enhanced safety measures, these lifters have become invaluable assets in pipe handling operations. By incorporating EPM pipe lifting magnet into pipe handling processes, industries can achieve increased productivity, reduced downtime, and enhanced safety for their workers.

For structural steel fabrication and construction machinery, HY Magnet pipe lifting magnet can be a great help. Welcome to contact us for more information.

Related question

excavator magnet attachment

What is excavator magnet attachment?

excavator magnet attachment

An excavator magnet attachment is a specialized tool designed to be mounted on an excavator’s arm or boom. It consists of a magnet assembly, typically an electromagnet or a permanent magnet, along with hydraulic components for control. The excavator magnet attachment is used for lifting and handling ferrous materials such as metal scraps, debris, or waste. When activated, the magnet generates a strong magnetic field that attracts and securely holds the ferrous objects. This allows for efficient collection, sorting, and disposal of ferrous materials in industries such as construction, demolition, recycling, and waste management. The attachment enhances the excavator’s versatility and productivity by enabling it to handle a wide range of materials.

mini excavator auger attachment

mini excavator auger attachment

How to operate the excavator auger?

Here is a few tips for fitting the auger drive and auger to the mini excavator…
1.Lay the auger drive down with hose faces away from you.
2.Remove the bucket from the excavator if fitted.
3.Hook up the auger drive mount to excavator hitch and fit pin.
4.Connect up the hydraulics, have a rag handy to clean connections.
5.Connect the auger bit to the auger drive and fit pin 6.Use the toggle switch or foot pedal to control the auger.

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