Which lifting magnet can lift heavy object?

Which lifting magnet can lift heavy object?

Lifting magnets are indispensable tools in various industries, providing the capability to handle heavy objects safely and efficiently. When it comes to lifting heavy loads, different type of lifting magnet comes into play. In this article, we will explore and compare the lifting capacities and characteristics of electromagnetic, permanent, and electro permanent magnets.

Electromagnetic Lifting Magnet

Electromagnetic lifting magnets utilize an electrical current to generate a strong magnetic field. This enables them to lift heavy objects with ease. They offer impressive lifting capacities, ranging from several hundred kilograms to over 100 tons in industrial applications. The strength of the magnetic field is directly proportional to the amount of electrical current flowing through the coil. Electromagnetic lifting magnets provide adjustable and controllable lifting forces, making them suitable for various load sizes.

Permanent Lifting Magnet

Permanent lifting magnets employ a permanent magnetic field to lift objects. They do not require an electrical current during the lifting operation, offering simplicity and convenience. However, permanent magnets generally have lower lifting capacities compared to electromagnetic magnets. They are commonly used for lifting smaller and lighter loads, such as steel sheets, bars, or smaller components. Permanent lifting magnets are compact, easy to use, and suitable for applications where heavy lifting is not required.

Electro Permanent Lifting MagnetElectro permanent lifting magnet for thick steel plate

Electro permanent lifting magnets combine the benefits of both electromagnetic and permanent magnets. They have a core of permanent magnet material, which retains its magnetic properties even when the electrical current is turned off. The magnetic field can be activated or deactivated by applying or removing an electric pulse. Electro permanent magnets offer strong lifting capacities comparable to or slightly higher than electromagnetic magnets. They are commonly used for handling heavy loads, such as steel plates, metal structures, and other sizable objects.

Comparing Lifting Capacities

In terms of lifting heavy objects, electromagnetic lifting magnets stand out as the preferred choice due to their higher lifting capacities. These magnets can handle substantial loads, ranging from several hundred kilograms to over 100 tons. Electro permanent magnets can also lift heavy objects with capacities similar to or slightly higher than electromagnetic magnets. Permanent magnets, though reliable for smaller loads, have lower lifting capacities and are not suitable for heavy lifting operations.


When it comes to lifting heavy objects, electromagnetic lifting magnets are the go-to option. With their ability to generate strong magnetic fields through an electrical current, they demonstrate superior lifting capacities. However, when moderate lifting capacities and convenience are sufficient, permanent lifting magnets can be a suitable choice. Electro permanent magnets, a hybrid of electromagnetic and permanent magnets, offer strong lifting capabilities and versatility, making them a viable alternative for handling heavy loads. Understanding the characteristics and lifting capacities of these magnets allows industries to make informed decisions and select the appropriate lifting magnet for their specific needs.

For more information, please contact HVR MAG at export@hvrmagnet.com

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