CNC Clamps With High Adaptability | Magnet for Excavator

CNC Clamps With High Adaptability

CNC clamps are devices used to clamp a workpiece on CNC machine. Its function is to position and fix the workpiece so that it is correctly positioned in relation to the machine and the insert. According to the different clamping power sources used in CNC clamps, they can be divided into: manual clamps, pneumatic clamps, hydraulic clamps, magnetic clamps and vacuum clamps.

With the progress of technology, CNC clamps have evolved from an auxiliary tool to a complete range of process equipment. Statistics from the International Association for Production Research show that the variety of workpieces produced in small batches and in many varieties has accounted for about 85% of the total number of workpiece types. Modern companies produce a wide variety of products, often updated to meet market and competitive demands. However, the average company is still accustomed to using a large number of traditional specialised clamps. A factory with a medium production capacity may has around thousands or even close to ten thousand sets of jigs and fixtures. On the other hand, in multi-product manufacturing companies, approximately 50-80% of the jigs and fixtures need to be replaced every 3-4 years. The actual wear of these fixtures is only about 10-20%.

New requirements for CNC clamps

Today, the application of new processing technologies such as CNC machines, machining centre, grouping technology, flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), etc., has brought about the following new requirements for industry clamps.

  • The ability to quickly and easily set up new products in order to shorten the production preparation cycle and reduce costs.
  • To clamp a set of similar characteristics of the workpiece.
  • High-precisionclamps for precision machining.
  • New CNC clampsthat can be applied to various modern manufacturing technologies.
  • The use of energy-efficient clamping devices to further reduce labour intensity and improve labour productivity.
  • Improving the standardisation of CNC clamps.

Which kind of CNC clamps best meet the above criteria? The high quality magnetic clamps offered by HVR MAG.

magnetic clamp in lathe machine

The advantages of magnetic clamps are:

  1. The shape of the magnetic clampis adapted to the machine table, allowing full use of the machining area.
  2. Magnetic clamping does not limit the shape and size of the workpiece and can effectively clamp workpieces that are evenlarger than the machine table. Shortens the lead time for the production of new products. Reduces production costs.
  3. Clamping and releasing takes only a few seconds and is easy and efficient to operate.
  4. The magnetic clamping surface is flat and the clamping force is uniform, which improves machining accuracy.

HVR MAG magnetic clamps are made from electric permanent magnets, which are more energy efficient than electromagnets. Electromagnets need to be constantly energised to maintain magnetism and consume a lot of power. They also generate heat and can lose their magnetism over time. This is more dangerous in the machining process. However, the magnetism of an electro-permanent magnet comes from the permanent magnet material inside. The electric current is only used to open and release the magnetic field. Corresponding to the clamping and releasing action of the workpiece. When using HVR MAG machine clamps, you can therefore disconnect the power supply after the workpiece has been clamped. This makes the machining process safer.

In addition to the advantages of speed, convenience, energy efficiency and safety, HVR MAG’s electro-permanent magnetic machine clamps are also very low-maintenance. The all-steel surfaces of the magnetic clamps are robust and wear-resistant. There are no moving parts and no regular maintenance or replacement is required. The electro-permanent magnets do not show any significant degradation of magnetic force over 10 years of use at normal operating temperatures. It brings more benefits and advantages compared to the investment in purchasing magnetic clamps.

HVR MAG’s magnetic clamps are available in a wide range of models and series. Please feel free to contact us for more information at:


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